21. 10. 2015

The long-awaited 3,932 m long Škofja Loka bypass, was officially opened for traffic yesterday. The most demanding structures for construction were the tunnel under the slope Sten (712 m long) and a 492-metre long emergency escape tunnel. 7 bridges, 6 crossings (of which 3 roundabouts), 2 underpasses and 2 subways have been constructed, water stream regulated (in the length of 488 m); noise protection measures implemented (1,157 m), 3,895 m of accesses/exits constructed. Electrical and mechanical equipment, road furniture and signals have been installed. The value of construction was estimated to € 51.8 million, of which 85% (€ 35 million) were co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

With the new bypass, the old town centre has been relieved of traffic and better traffic safety has been ensured for all road users. The quality of life for residents of Škofja Loka and the accessibility of the valley Poljanska dolina with the central Slovenia have much improved.

DRI performed consulting and engineering services on the project.
